HTML 4.01 button element: wrong behaviour in submit


Marco Guazzone

I have a form like this:

<form name="frmEdit" id="frmEdit" method="POST">

<!-- a set of input/select controls ... -->

<td align="left">
<button type="submit" name="save" value="Save"
title="Save"><img src="save.png" border="0"></button>
<td align="right">
<input type="submit" name="change_vmode"
value="&gt;&gt; More" title="&gt;&gt; More">

Well when you click on the "&gt;&gt; More" button IE
also submit the parameter "save" with the value:
<img src="save.png" border="0">
that's the content of the save button.
I've tried to modify the type of the button and to add
a javascript event like:
<button type="button" name="save" value="Save" title="Save"
but the result is the same!! :(
Please can anyone help me?!?!
Thank you in advance!

PS: my system is Win XP Pro + IE 6 SP1 (with all
patches/updates); the problem has been tested also on Win98
SE + IE SP1 (with all patches/updates).



Marco Guazzone

I've just found a trick to my problem; simply I've written
an onclick event, for each submit button (both for button
and input[type=submit] elements), that disables
(disabled=true) all other submit.

If anyone has a better solution ... I'd be happy to know
it!! :)

I hope next IE version will be more strictly in compliance
with the W3C HTML 4.01 standard.



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