I would like to place an Icon on the Nav Bar (at the top of the screen)
showing the battery charge state. I already have all of the code needed to
get the battery information. I just need to place a representative icon in
the Nav Bar. I have Googled the subject and have not found any information
on how this might be done in a managed application. I did find one
reference at http://www.pocketpcdn.com/articles/taskbar_icon.html which
shows some C++ code that I am unable to understand.
showing the battery charge state. I already have all of the code needed to
get the battery information. I just need to place a representative icon in
the Nav Bar. I have Googled the subject and have not found any information
on how this might be done in a managed application. I did find one
reference at http://www.pocketpcdn.com/articles/taskbar_icon.html which
shows some C++ code that I am unable to understand.