Googled this and got nothing I recognized.
I've got an HP OfficeJet-135. We have two computers, one with Linux and
the other with w98/Linux. They are connected via an ethernet LAN and
everything "just works @tm" (Slack rulz!!). Her email client bellied up
the other day and now we're serious about Linux, and it's time to get
the printer working.
Normally, I've got it on USB with a manual switch. But, sez I, why do I
have to set her box up with all the software when she can use mine over
the LAN as a printer server? So I checked out the CUPS config files and
they looked fine for my box as a server, just using defaults. Time to
configure her's:
I set it up as a plain "lpr/lpd" sending raw stuff over the ethernet
with the idea that mine would do all the automagic stuff. And these are
the settings:
1: id = "Printer"
address = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:631
description = "hpoj"
2: LPD/LPR Host or Printer
3: lpd://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:631/
4: Raw
5: Raw gueue (en)
Printing a test page gets stuff immediately over the ethernet (watching
tcpdump), and a result of completed job on her CUPS admin page. Nothing
happens on mine, no job, no nothing.
Watching /var/log/error_log gives me this:
E [10/Nov/2005:21:53:08 -0800] Bad request line "queue"!
E [10/Nov/2005:21:53:35 -0800] Bad request line "queue"!
E [10/Nov/2005:21:55:48 -0800] Bad request line ""!
E [10/Nov/2005:21:59:01 -0800] Bad request line ""!
The first two attempts were with "queue" appended to #3 above, and the
last two were with "queue" deleted. What does it want to see?
I figure that her configuration should be good to go, because her part
of the process completes. What is it that I need to do to a default
/etc/cups/cupsd.conf to accommodate her configuration?
Or what am I missing here?
If this isn't the forum for this, would someone point me in the right
direction, please!
Thanks all,
I've got an HP OfficeJet-135. We have two computers, one with Linux and
the other with w98/Linux. They are connected via an ethernet LAN and
everything "just works @tm" (Slack rulz!!). Her email client bellied up
the other day and now we're serious about Linux, and it's time to get
the printer working.
Normally, I've got it on USB with a manual switch. But, sez I, why do I
have to set her box up with all the software when she can use mine over
the LAN as a printer server? So I checked out the CUPS config files and
they looked fine for my box as a server, just using defaults. Time to
configure her's:
I set it up as a plain "lpr/lpd" sending raw stuff over the ethernet
with the idea that mine would do all the automagic stuff. And these are
the settings:
1: id = "Printer"
address = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:631
description = "hpoj"
2: LPD/LPR Host or Printer
3: lpd://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:631/
4: Raw
5: Raw gueue (en)
Printing a test page gets stuff immediately over the ethernet (watching
tcpdump), and a result of completed job on her CUPS admin page. Nothing
happens on mine, no job, no nothing.
Watching /var/log/error_log gives me this:
E [10/Nov/2005:21:53:08 -0800] Bad request line "queue"!
E [10/Nov/2005:21:53:35 -0800] Bad request line "queue"!
E [10/Nov/2005:21:55:48 -0800] Bad request line ""!
E [10/Nov/2005:21:59:01 -0800] Bad request line ""!
The first two attempts were with "queue" appended to #3 above, and the
last two were with "queue" deleted. What does it want to see?
I figure that her configuration should be good to go, because her part
of the process completes. What is it that I need to do to a default
/etc/cups/cupsd.conf to accommodate her configuration?
Or what am I missing here?
If this isn't the forum for this, would someone point me in the right
direction, please!
Thanks all,