I did a quick search of Google and did not come up with much having to do with that
file name and have not ever seen it myself. Since you have doubt run a full system
scan for viruses/worms using the latest possible virus definitions possible. I would
also scan for parasites with something like AdAware being sure to update it's
definitions when opening it up.
Download TCPView, Process Explorer, and Autoruns from Sysinternals to see if you find
hphack.exe showing as being used with a process and a startup program or there are
any other unexplained processes running. Those filenames sound intimidating but if
they show up as not being used and the computer comes up clean and seems to run well
with no performance problems, unexplained diskspace use, etc it may be fine
particularly if the owner is good about using a firewall, virus protection, complex
passwords, and keeping current with critical updates. If you have a test computer
available try to use those files to see what happens [ as in hphack /? ] and you can
select the properties of the .reg file and select edit to see what registry keys it
contains that may provide a clue what it is for. -- Steve