I just changed the color cartridge on my HP 882C.
After aligning the cartridge I printed a test page. Since I'd printed
one yesterday and noted that it had no yellow (that always seems to be
the color that goes first) I was pleased to see that the new one
printed yellow but surprised to see that the pattern on the test page
was quite different from the one I printed yesterday.
I'm just curious, but does HP somehow encode the test page pattern in
the cartridge, or is it the case that there are several available for
the 'toolbox' program to access and it chooses one at random?
After aligning the cartridge I printed a test page. Since I'd printed
one yesterday and noted that it had no yellow (that always seems to be
the color that goes first) I was pleased to see that the new one
printed yellow but surprised to see that the pattern on the test page
was quite different from the one I printed yesterday.
I'm just curious, but does HP somehow encode the test page pattern in
the cartridge, or is it the case that there are several available for
the 'toolbox' program to access and it chooses one at random?