Greetings --
Can anyone tell me all of the settings one needs to apply to a serial
port from a Command Prompt window (via the MODE command) in order to
talk to an HP7580 plotter?
With my old W98SE box, all I had to do was open an MS-DOS prompt, type
MODE COMn: 1200,n,8,1,p
copy %1 COMn:
.. . . and the plotter would be off and running, with the CPU copying
HPGL plot file %1 to the COMn: port. But with my new XP box I have yet
to successfully do this.
I have tried both a Prolific USB-serial converter and a SIIG PCI
plug-in serial port. With the converter the plotter writes readable
text, but the lines are all garbage. With the plug-in card, I can't
seem to talk to the plotter at all, either from a Command Prompt or
from Windows as an installed printer.
I know that both ports are working, because I have successfully
communicated with another serial device over both. The cable
connecting the CPU to the plotter hasn't changed since the days of the
W98SE box, other than getting rid of a share switch. I do notice, when
I type HELP MODE, that there seem to be many more options for serial
port operation under XP than there are under W98SE, which is what is
prompting my question.
FWIW, I'm using the WinLine HPGL driver to create plot files, both on
the old box and the new. The old box had 2 serial ports on the
TIA for any help anyone can give!
Jeff Travis
Can anyone tell me all of the settings one needs to apply to a serial
port from a Command Prompt window (via the MODE command) in order to
talk to an HP7580 plotter?
With my old W98SE box, all I had to do was open an MS-DOS prompt, type
MODE COMn: 1200,n,8,1,p
copy %1 COMn:
.. . . and the plotter would be off and running, with the CPU copying
HPGL plot file %1 to the COMn: port. But with my new XP box I have yet
to successfully do this.
I have tried both a Prolific USB-serial converter and a SIIG PCI
plug-in serial port. With the converter the plotter writes readable
text, but the lines are all garbage. With the plug-in card, I can't
seem to talk to the plotter at all, either from a Command Prompt or
from Windows as an installed printer.
I know that both ports are working, because I have successfully
communicated with another serial device over both. The cable
connecting the CPU to the plotter hasn't changed since the days of the
W98SE box, other than getting rid of a share switch. I do notice, when
I type HELP MODE, that there seem to be many more options for serial
port operation under XP than there are under W98SE, which is what is
prompting my question.
FWIW, I'm using the WinLine HPGL driver to create plot files, both on
the old box and the new. The old box had 2 serial ports on the
TIA for any help anyone can give!
Jeff Travis