I have an HP 722C printer that's at least 7-8 years old. It's been a
real workhouse. I just installed a new black print cartridge. After
half a day, I started seeing light-colored horizontal bands on the
printed sheets. The black ink doesn't seem to go on as thick as
it always has. Also, the print head is pooling black ink on the head
(which is probably causing the lighter bands). When I clean it, it's
fine for awhile. Does this sound like the printer cartridge, or is
my trust old 722C starting to show it's age?
real workhouse. I just installed a new black print cartridge. After
half a day, I started seeing light-colored horizontal bands on the
printed sheets. The black ink doesn't seem to go on as thick as
it always has. Also, the print head is pooling black ink on the head
(which is probably causing the lighter bands). When I clean it, it's
fine for awhile. Does this sound like the printer cartridge, or is
my trust old 722C starting to show it's age?