HP Printer and Vista




I am not a computer whiz to begin with. I'm trying to get my HP printer to
work with my new Com-
pact laptop. The computer won't accept the printer. I would refer to my
owner's manual if I had one, but the one that came with the computer just
gives minimal instructions at best.

I would certainly appreciate some help on this.


Gary Walker

A few extra details would probably help. Like....

.. Is the OS new?
.. What is the exact HP printer model.
.. Did the printer come from use on another(previous)
computer. And, if so, did you complete the install
process on the new laptop?

Additionally, I assume "compact laptop" to mean
Compaq laptop? And, can we assume the new
laptop is probably a Vista unit that you describe
as new.

Have you been to HP's printer site to review any
Vista driver requirements for your specific printer.

You might look here:


Cari \(MS-MVP\)

A post in the Vista printing newsgroups would have been answered sooner.

Go to the HP website and see if HP have drivers for your model of printer
for Vista. You cannot use XP drivers on a Vista O/S.

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