I encountered similar problem with the printer I purchased 4 months ago -
Photosmart C7280. I was not able to install on Windows Vista, Win XP OK. I
had to endure 4 months and unending and unhelpful help from HP that got me
no where. The last offer of help from HP is 'format my harddisk and
reinstall Windows', and gone your data & whatever software you have
installed on your PC. HP would not resolve for me the issue of installed
software licences, i.e. whether or not I lost my licenses as the license is
on a per installation basis. Nothing wrong with my PC or the Windows with
my PC. So HP wanted me to present them a 'virgin' PC (free of all software
except Windows Vista) for them to install the printer software. HP claimed
that 'there are thousand of software out there that can cause problem to the
installation of HP printer software'. You think so? I think it is just red
herring, or camouflage for its poor installation software that is not
robust, that does not provide good error diagnostic messages with
accompanying automated or manual fixes or solutions. So, after 4 months
of agony, I continue to be saddled with the problem of a printer in which in
which the fax software is not working, HP scanner and the all-in-one control
center software are also not working - an incomplete printer product. HP
claims nothing with that!
I believe you and me are not alone. There are probably many others out
there facing similar dilemnas. Think carefully should you be continously
offered help from HP. Step by step, you may be led to the offer of the help
from HP to reformat your harddisk and to uproot all the effort, the data and
software that you have installed on your PC. This kind of offer of help -
is it helpful? Or is it to cover up for the inadequacy of HP installation
software? What kind of help is this? Isn't like saying to install an
electrical wire in your house, you have to rip up and renovate your whole
house. So think carefully, whether to accept the 'help' from HP.
Those who have not bought HP printer & install on Windows Vista, think
carefully the possibility that you may end up in the situation I am you.
Better option is that you buy a printer that can work on your existing PC
and co-exist with the software in the PC, and without the hassle of
re-formating your PC as required by HP for their 'help' to fully install the
printer software.