HP Multifunction Scanner problem



I bought an HP 2510 Multi function Print/Scan/Copy/fax
machine. It has a wireless capability and it works fine
on my laptop running W2K and another laptop running W98.
But my W2K machine cannot connect to the scanner
function. The W98 machine works fine.

I searched the MS site and found the issue is the
USBSCAN.SYS file. I have version 5.0.2195.6655 installed
and the fix calls for a version 5.0.2195.5847....

So, can one of you MS people send it to me or point me to
where to find it. The MS site has my totally bald pulling
out what's left of my hair trying to find it...

When I search for USBSCAN I keep getting directed back to
the KB article of 320549...which addresses the version,
but does not provide a link to DL it...


Bob I

The fix can be obtained by reading and following the instructions
contained in the article you referenced.


Except if you already have SP4 installed, and you get MS
to send you the Hot Fix, when you try to install it, it
says you can't install it over SP4, since it's a Pre-SP4

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