s. maeder
My HP LJ 2200dn suddenly started to pull back every paper into the
It also happens when printing the test page. First it comes out
halfway and then it goes back to duplex. That is normal.
Then it shows up halfway again and then it gets pulled back into the
printer. The next paper printed of cours will jam.
What's the solution of this problem?
This printer worked so far fine for exactly 1.5 years.
At the moment I opened the back door to avoid paper jams but I cannot
duplex anymore.
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My HP LJ 2200dn suddenly started to pull back every paper into the
It also happens when printing the test page. First it comes out
halfway and then it goes back to duplex. That is normal.
Then it shows up halfway again and then it gets pulled back into the
printer. The next paper printed of cours will jam.
What's the solution of this problem?
This printer worked so far fine for exactly 1.5 years.
At the moment I opened the back door to avoid paper jams but I cannot
duplex anymore.
Das Senden von unbestellter Werbung an diese E-Mail-Adresse ist
gegen eine Umtriebsentschaedigung von Fr. 250.-- pro erhaltenes
E-Mail gestattet. Rabatte auf Anfrage.
Die Beweislast der Bestellung liegt bei der Werbung versendenen Firma.