Ian R
Just recently I've been getting a repeating mark down the length of the
page. The marked area is approx 65mm across.
I've run the print cleaning page routine several times which has made no
I've removed the toner and checked the drum carefully but nothing obvious
Is there anything else I can do or check?
Is it most likely to be a problem with the toner cartridge?
Do the toners come with any kind of warranty?
I've been using this current toner for approx 1 year and as the printer has
had fairly light use so I reckon the toner has at least 1000 pages left. My
previous toner cartridge lasted almost 2yrs!
I'd appreciate any info on how I would go about applying for a replacement
under warranty. I doubt I could find the original receipt so that might be a
problem too.
I'd appreciate any info.
Thanks for your time.
Just recently I've been getting a repeating mark down the length of the
page. The marked area is approx 65mm across.
I've run the print cleaning page routine several times which has made no
I've removed the toner and checked the drum carefully but nothing obvious
Is there anything else I can do or check?
Is it most likely to be a problem with the toner cartridge?
Do the toners come with any kind of warranty?
I've been using this current toner for approx 1 year and as the printer has
had fairly light use so I reckon the toner has at least 1000 pages left. My
previous toner cartridge lasted almost 2yrs!
I'd appreciate any info on how I would go about applying for a replacement
under warranty. I doubt I could find the original receipt so that might be a
problem too.
I'd appreciate any info.
Thanks for your time.