Looking for a cheap laser printer, I'm leaning towards a HP Laserjet 1020.
I don't need/want anything fancy, just something to put text on paper. I
don't print all that often, and when I do, it tends to be documentations. I
can't stand reading involved documentations off a screen. I prefer hard
copy. Easier on the eyes and easy to highlight and write notes.
Anyway, the HP Laserjet 1020 specs state the interface is USB. Thats fine,
but is the connector on the printer standard USB or it some proprietary BS
that will need a proprietary cable? The fact that the product description
doesn't say, nor does the printer come with a cable, is leaving me to
cynically believe that it is probably some proprietary BS port on the
printer side. If I have to buy some BS $30 cable, then I'm looking
elsewhere for something that uses a standard connector -- even RS-232.
Basically, looking for a cheap route to print without getting locked into
manufacturer's dirty games such as those rediculously expensive carts for
inkjets. (Yeah, I know the laser takes toner, but with toner at least you
don't have to worry about it "drying out" like you do with ink.)
Another reason I'm not wanting to spend a lot is because down the road I'm
going to be spending quite a bit on a dot matrix printer as old DMP just
died after 18 years of use. (Don't laugh, I use DMP for logging.)
I don't need/want anything fancy, just something to put text on paper. I
don't print all that often, and when I do, it tends to be documentations. I
can't stand reading involved documentations off a screen. I prefer hard
copy. Easier on the eyes and easy to highlight and write notes.
Anyway, the HP Laserjet 1020 specs state the interface is USB. Thats fine,
but is the connector on the printer standard USB or it some proprietary BS
that will need a proprietary cable? The fact that the product description
doesn't say, nor does the printer come with a cable, is leaving me to
cynically believe that it is probably some proprietary BS port on the
printer side. If I have to buy some BS $30 cable, then I'm looking
elsewhere for something that uses a standard connector -- even RS-232.
Basically, looking for a cheap route to print without getting locked into
manufacturer's dirty games such as those rediculously expensive carts for
inkjets. (Yeah, I know the laser takes toner, but with toner at least you
don't have to worry about it "drying out" like you do with ink.)
Another reason I'm not wanting to spend a lot is because down the road I'm
going to be spending quite a bit on a dot matrix printer as old DMP just
died after 18 years of use. (Don't laugh, I use DMP for logging.)