hp help

  • Thread starter Thread starter janetm
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janetm said:
My computer screen starts to shake with out apparent

Contact HP - this appears to be a hardware issue. MS does not, will not and,
indeed, cannot assist with OEM installations. The manufacturer is the
first - and only - source of support.

Check other devices plugged into that same circuit. What you are likely
seeing is interference from a fan or some other electrical device.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Windows
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone
Could you give us a little more info please? What make and model is your monitor? What is running when this happens? What do you do to cause this? Do you have the latest drivers for XP for your hardware from the manufacturers sites? Please post back. {:~)
Happened to me once when I had a PCTV Power Pack
mounted right behind the monitor. As I was pulling the
monitor out to see if the connector was loose, voila!,
it stopped! <g> Moved the power pack, fixed the
problem! Hope something as easy works for you!

Cerridwen said:
Isn't it?! And you'd expect MS to assist with a hardware issue that has
nothing whatsoever to do with them?!
== Under certain circumstances, and with intelligent
consideration and forethought, yes, I not only would expect
it, but have also experienced it on more than one occasion.
The intelligent reader will know why/how I am able to make
such a statement; you, however, will have no clue. That's
why I don't give more detail - just to drive a cerri nuts!