Problem is, for nearly the same amount, you can buy a brand new
'throw-away' printer with full Windows support and higher-quality
output, and probably faster speed, too.
First of all, the drivers are listed in windows xp. If talking windows
95/98 and you didn't have the drivers you had to order them from HP for
a small fee. I can't say I've ever tried hooking up a 550c mac edition
to the PC, so I don't know if these drivers will work.
Cost more than another printer? Depends on where you buy your cables,
and if we are talking about a modern PC with USB. I know it sounds
silly but some pentium I class systems had odd usb issues.
The problem with a new 'throw-away' unit is the economy in most cases.
There are some cool printers from that time period that offered
cartridges with huge yields and low prices.
The 550 takes the #26 black which costs $30/800ish pages. 3.75c/page.
Not super duper but not horrible.
The hp 5440 takes the #92 black with an listed yeild of 210p for $14.99
or 7.1c/page.
The canon ip1600 takes the PG-40 @ $20/500p or 4c/page. Street might
even cost less.
Worth the time and money for the 300x300dpi 6ppm inkjet? Well i'd
personaly sell it on e-bay for $15 and use that money to get something
newer. After all someone might really desire printing on their very
old mac. But I am willing to say it is possible to hookup a serial
mini8 to the PC with the proper cable, but the needed cable is so rare
you'd end up having to buy two cables.