I have tried 3 different programs. ms paint, AutoCAD 2002, omega from Gerber
scientific (CAD)
I have tried using the windows 2000, xp, nt4 drivers with my jetdirect print
I have tried using a parallel cable
I have tried copying a .plt that hp tech support gave me to the printer
directly over the lpt1.
I have upgraded the firmware and drivers to the latest versions.
I do NOT have the hpgl add-on.(tech support said this would probably fix it,
but its $500, is this the only solution?)
no program or driver options are set to scale.
I have tried with 3 different computers, XP, and two windows 2k.
i have tried to have it read the pattern caliberation plot but it allways
says it can't read it.
tech support basically said that they have a .2% error rate guaranty but
they don't know what could be wrong so they don't know what to fix and they
won't let me exchange it. im going to contact my retailer to see if I can
exchange it.