Since the configuration page prints, just about all of the printer hardware is
confirmed as good.
What sort of cable are you using, USB, Parallel or Ethernet?
First thing I would do is uninstall the printer and reinstall it using the
latest drivers from HP. If you are using Windows 98 there won't be any drivers
available so you will have to use the CD that came with the printer.
If you are using USB or Parallel cables uninstall by going to Start/All
Programs and find the HP or Hewlett Packard entry for the printer and select
Now go to Control Panel/Printers Select File/Server Properties/Drivers find and
remove any drivers that refer to the LJ2500. Disconnect the cable from the
printer and reboot the PC.
Download the latest driver from
And run the installer you downloaded (or use the CD), do not connect the
printer to the PC until the installer tells you to.
If this doesn't work you may have a bad cable, bad interface port in the PC or
even a bad interface in the printer.
Let us know how you get on.