Thanks for that Bob, especially for the link to the cleaning of the service
station. I have just discovered that the problem as I have so far described
occurs only if I have printed something during the previous session. I.e,
if I do not print during a session, then at switch on the next time, there
is no problem. Does that help giving a clue as to what is the area to be
looking at please?
Does the blinking light start as soon as the printer is turned on, or only
after a print job is sent? If the former you may have a defective cartridge or
an issue with the contacts. Try cleaning the contacts for both the black and
color cartridges as shown at:
Also try printing a diagnostic test page as shown at:
(the one with five button presses). It has been a while since I worked with
the DeskJet 850, so I am a bit rusty, but I believe there will be a line that
says "Cartridge Status:" near the middle of the page. If that test does not
print a cartridge status line try the same test but with twelve button presses
rather than the five. This will print a more extensive test. A good cartridge
would say something like A 0 P 0 N 0 for status for both black (K) and color
(CMY). A number other than 0 for either P or A would probably indicate that
cleaning the contacts is required.
Bob Headrick, not speaking for my employer HP