Franck devil said:
I need help to clean Cartridges ( apart from user manual procedures)..
That print has been unused for one year and crtridges were new.
Good wishes for new year.
I suspect the cartridges are dry.
Sometimes they can be recovered but not always.
You can try running the nozzle plate of the printhead (that is the plate at the
very bottom, where the ink comes out) under a drizzling warm water tap for a
few seconds. Then press (don't rub) the nozzle plate onto a damp paper towel.
If there is any improvement you will see ink appear on the paper towel. You may
need to repeat this several times. Do not touch the nozzle plate with your
fingers or you will risk permanent damage to the head.You can try to very
gently rub the nozzle plates with a finger with a vinyl glove on while the
plate is under the tap. Do not rub the plate with anything abrasive including a
paper towel (these can damage the plate). This may work, especially with the
colour cartridge. If none of this works, holding the nozzle plate in steam from
a kettle for a couple of minutes can help, be careful of burns of course. Dry
the cartridges (not the nozzle plate) before putting them back in the printer.
If you cannot get a good imprint on a damp paper towel you are unlikely to get
a good print.
My other suggestion is; if you have a local refiller of ink cartridges (done on
the premises) like Cartridge World, they may be prepared to try to recover the
cartridges for you using their specialised equipment for a small fee.
Otherwise, new cartridges I'm afraid.