Bought a printer off of Ebay. A supposedly working HP 3820.
When I got it, it powered up but wouldn't print anything. Tried installing
numerous times but same result. Also tried to hook it up to my daughters
laptop and my desktop just to make sure it wasn't my laptop causing the
problem. Same result on all machines.
Final price was quite low so not too inclined to return it. Also it
to go back to Canada and it's an act of Congress to get mail back there.
Anything specific I should look for to get this baby up and working?
Not afraid to take it apart if need be. As I said it powers up and all
the lights flash like there supposed to but when it comes to printing, nada.
When I got it, it powered up but wouldn't print anything. Tried installing
numerous times but same result. Also tried to hook it up to my daughters
laptop and my desktop just to make sure it wasn't my laptop causing the
problem. Same result on all machines.
Final price was quite low so not too inclined to return it. Also it
to go back to Canada and it's an act of Congress to get mail back there.
Anything specific I should look for to get this baby up and working?
Not afraid to take it apart if need be. As I said it powers up and all
the lights flash like there supposed to but when it comes to printing, nada.