HP 2055D Printer goes offline at random on Windows 7 Professional

Feb 29, 2012
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Good Day guys, this is my first post ever on PC Review....:dance: There is a machine running Windows 7 Professional which i configured as a print server and it is connected to an HP 2055D. The workstations which i have linked to this print server are offline most of the time, and cannot print. I want to understand what will be taking place when the icon is greyed out(offline mode).....???/:cry:
firewall turned off? Can you ping the print server? How about if you remove and reinstall the printer on the client machine?
Okay i had not thought of checking the firewall on the print server, ping is successful with four ICMP packets being received....when i remove the offline printer on the client and reinstall the print only works for a day, the following day the printer on the client is offline:bow:
are you sure that the printer is not just going to sleep or something? I had an issue with a few of the HP LaserJets going offline. I walk to the printer and hit the button and it wakes up. Usually, the way it works is that the printer woke up when a job was sent.

Check power settings on the printer and perhaps R&R the driver?