I've got a couple of HP 2000c printers which I love, except for the chip
on each ink cartridge which is encoded with a "do not use after" date.
Thought about using a print server, but concluded THAT wouldn't get
around it.
I'm now thinking of trying drivers from a different, non-chipped, HP
printer. I know that some drivers will work with other printers; for
example, if I forget and send something to my HP2000c using my Laser Jet
II drivers, it prints very well indeed! (except it is in black and
white, of course).
So, any suggestions for a similar quality HP printer, that doesn't have
a chipped cartridge? It would be easy for me to download drivers and
try them on my HP 2000c printer.
on each ink cartridge which is encoded with a "do not use after" date.
Thought about using a print server, but concluded THAT wouldn't get
around it.
I'm now thinking of trying drivers from a different, non-chipped, HP
printer. I know that some drivers will work with other printers; for
example, if I forget and send something to my HP2000c using my Laser Jet
II drivers, it prints very well indeed! (except it is in black and
white, of course).
So, any suggestions for a similar quality HP printer, that doesn't have
a chipped cartridge? It would be easy for me to download drivers and
try them on my HP 2000c printer.