I need to unblock an event that was previously in the list of blocked events
(dialog that appears when pressing [tools|realtime protection|view all
blocked events]). I am not sure why this list is now completely empty.
I mistakenly blocked explorer.exe. This line appears in the agent event list
"The user Magnus, has decided to block the Winlogon Shell application
c:\windows\explorer.exe from being added to Windows" On this list there is no
unblock possibility.
I need to unblock an event that was previously in the list of blocked events
(dialog that appears when pressing [tools|realtime protection|view all
blocked events]). I am not sure why this list is now completely empty.
I mistakenly blocked explorer.exe. This line appears in the agent event list
"The user Magnus, has decided to block the Winlogon Shell application
c:\windows\explorer.exe from being added to Windows" On this list there is no
unblock possibility.