Ok, here goes - from scratch:
The business (a school) consists of ~10 computerrooms (CRs), each CR (in a
seperate building) has its own domain, DC (CR_DC) and administrators. All
the users ~5k (students) have to be able to login, in all the CRs (their
personal files are placed on some massive Unix-fileservers, which are
smb-mounted at login) - all these CRs are either *nix or Windows. TheWindows
rooms are currently running totally independent, each user has to apply for
a password at the local admin - thats where the problem is (no problem with
*nix, the shadowfile is distributed). I have made a system that syncronizes
password from Unix to Windows (if a users password is changed in unix, then
within 5 minutes its changed in windows, on the forestDC).
This is what I expected:
- The forestDC is a win2003 server, the CR_DC are win2k/win2003 servers
- A userdatabase (userDB) is maintained on forestDC.
- Each CR_DC has access to the userDB.
- The admins of a CR_DC, can add any user to their own local CR_DC groups.
- The admins of a CR_DC, has to be able ad GPO to users.
- The admins of a CR_DC, must not be able to change the forestDC's users
password, group membership (except the local one), this is all controlled
from the top.
That's all if I drop the (OU thing)