Jonathan Wilson
Firstly, to get msvcrt.lib, install the .NET framework SDK. The version of
msvcrt.lib included there is the exact same one as comes with Visual Studio
..NET 2003.
There are some other things that might be usefull (e.g. the debug version
of msvcrt.lib) but msvcrt.lib is the most usefull thing.
Secondly, install the latest version of the Microsoft Platform SDK.
The "64-bit" compiler will provide versions of undname.exe, nmake.exe,
lib.exe, cvtres.exe, dumpbin.exe and editbin.exe that (at least from my
cursory inspection) appear to be useable.
Other stuff from Microsoft SDK\Bin (e.g. midl.exe, mktyplib.exe. rc.exe,
mc.exe and so on) is also usable as a substitute for those same files as
included with Visual Studio .NET 2003.
Also, the included "64-bit" code for MFC and ATL may be of some use on
32-bit windows too.
Also, install the DirectX SDK and DirectX Media SDK if you want to develop
using those technologies.
Naturally, this wont provide you with all the stuff visual C++ .NET 2003
would provide you with.
Most notably you wont have some of the *.obj files from the lib folder
(i.e. chkstk.obj, nochkclr.obj, thrownew.obj)
binmode.c comes with the IA64 CRT source code in the platform SDK, as does
commode.c, fp10.c, newmode.c, setargv.c and wsetargv.c, compile these files
and you will have usable versions of the matching CRT obj files.
nochkclr.c has a comment in it stating its only used if you dont like with
the CRT.
I do not know where one would get code for chkstk.obj, thrownew.obj or
nochkclr.obj (or even if those obj files are actually usefull for much).
And you also wont have msvcrprt.lib (which means that using /MD for C++
apps is kinda difficult
is a .DEF file created using dumpbin /exports on msvcp71.dll.
When converted into a .LIB file with lib /DEF:msvcprt.def, it will generate
an import library for msvcp71.dll that should be usable. (I didnt do one
for msvcp71d.dll because msvcp71d.dll is not in anything freely
downloadable from MS, unlike msvcp71.dll which is easy enough to get)
However, in addition to being an import library, msvcprt.lib also contains
3 obj files, nothrow.cpp, newop_s.cpp and newaop_s.cpp.
I dont know where you could get nothrow.cpp, newop_s.cpp or newaop_s.cpp (I
also dont know if they are important or not). The SDK CRT comes with
newop_s.cpp and something called newop2_s.cpp but I dont know if either of
those is of any use with the Visual C++ Compiler Tookit 2003 and
Of course, if you can get files from a visual C++ install (such as
vcspawn.exe, vcprojectengine.dll and vcprojectui.dll) you can do more (like
getting vcbuild.exe to work), this list only covers stuff that you can get
for free
Hopefully this information on how to do more with the Visual C++ Compiler
Tookit 2003 is usefull to someone.
Also, IANAL so I cant say for sure if the licence aggreements given for the
use of the various items mentioned above permits their useage with the
Visual C++ Compiler Tookit 2003 and do let me know of anything to add to
this HOWTO or any feedback etc.
msvcrt.lib included there is the exact same one as comes with Visual Studio
..NET 2003.
There are some other things that might be usefull (e.g. the debug version
of msvcrt.lib) but msvcrt.lib is the most usefull thing.
Secondly, install the latest version of the Microsoft Platform SDK.
The "64-bit" compiler will provide versions of undname.exe, nmake.exe,
lib.exe, cvtres.exe, dumpbin.exe and editbin.exe that (at least from my
cursory inspection) appear to be useable.
Other stuff from Microsoft SDK\Bin (e.g. midl.exe, mktyplib.exe. rc.exe,
mc.exe and so on) is also usable as a substitute for those same files as
included with Visual Studio .NET 2003.
Also, the included "64-bit" code for MFC and ATL may be of some use on
32-bit windows too.
Also, install the DirectX SDK and DirectX Media SDK if you want to develop
using those technologies.
Naturally, this wont provide you with all the stuff visual C++ .NET 2003
would provide you with.
Most notably you wont have some of the *.obj files from the lib folder
(i.e. chkstk.obj, nochkclr.obj, thrownew.obj)
binmode.c comes with the IA64 CRT source code in the platform SDK, as does
commode.c, fp10.c, newmode.c, setargv.c and wsetargv.c, compile these files
and you will have usable versions of the matching CRT obj files.
nochkclr.c has a comment in it stating its only used if you dont like with
the CRT.
I do not know where one would get code for chkstk.obj, thrownew.obj or
nochkclr.obj (or even if those obj files are actually usefull for much).
And you also wont have msvcrprt.lib (which means that using /MD for C++
apps is kinda difficult

is a .DEF file created using dumpbin /exports on msvcp71.dll.
When converted into a .LIB file with lib /DEF:msvcprt.def, it will generate
an import library for msvcp71.dll that should be usable. (I didnt do one
for msvcp71d.dll because msvcp71d.dll is not in anything freely
downloadable from MS, unlike msvcp71.dll which is easy enough to get)
However, in addition to being an import library, msvcprt.lib also contains
3 obj files, nothrow.cpp, newop_s.cpp and newaop_s.cpp.
I dont know where you could get nothrow.cpp, newop_s.cpp or newaop_s.cpp (I
also dont know if they are important or not). The SDK CRT comes with
newop_s.cpp and something called newop2_s.cpp but I dont know if either of
those is of any use with the Visual C++ Compiler Tookit 2003 and
Of course, if you can get files from a visual C++ install (such as
vcspawn.exe, vcprojectengine.dll and vcprojectui.dll) you can do more (like
getting vcbuild.exe to work), this list only covers stuff that you can get
for free

Hopefully this information on how to do more with the Visual C++ Compiler
Tookit 2003 is usefull to someone.
Also, IANAL so I cant say for sure if the licence aggreements given for the
use of the various items mentioned above permits their useage with the
Visual C++ Compiler Tookit 2003 and do let me know of anything to add to
this HOWTO or any feedback etc.