Howto Disable Automatic Internet Email Address Checking



Does anyone know how to disable the automatic internet email address checking
option so that the "Check Name" dialog box doesn't pop up?

Preferably, I would like to disable only the automatic "Internet" address


BillR [MVP]

I don' tthink yuo can disable it for only Internet Addresses.
On the Tools menu, click Options.
Click E-Mail Options.
Click Advanced E-Mail Options.
Do one or more of the following:
Turn off automatic name checking
Under When sending a message, clear the Automatic name checking check box.
Turn off automatic completion of e-mail names
Under When sending a message, clear the Suggest names while completing To,
Cc, and Bcc fields check box.


I have disabled both the options you've mentioned. The Check Name dialog box
still pops up. I have also restarted Outlook and still have the dialog box
pop up. Thanks.

BillR [MVP]

Not sur eon this. I was cautious that you would just get the box pop up
anyway. It usually only appears when the address is not recognised.
How are you entering addresses?
Is your Contacts folder set correctly as an address book?


I am trying to send smtp mails such as number@fax. That is why I wish to
have the checking disabled. Microsoft Exchange SMTP Connector will allow
setup of the domain "fax". I need the email client to just ignore the
checking and send the smtp message to the exchange server so that it may be
routed to the application server. Thanks.

BillR [MVP]

does it make any difference if you prefix it with SMTP: ?

e.g. SMTP:number@fax

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