Howto : Callstack at runtime?


Rainer Queck

Hello NG,

is it possible to get - and if yes how - the call stack at runtime?
I am debugging a multithreaded application, an it looks like I have a
synchronization problem.
Even though I am making intensive use of Monitor.TryEnter and Monitor.Exit
it "looks" like there is some overlapping in accessing a unmanaged recource.

Now I would like to add some diagnoseis in my try/catch to recognice the
caller in case of exceptions and this means I need to get hold of the

How can this be done?

Thanks for help!

Rainer Queck

Jeffrey Tan[MSFT]

Hi Rainer,

In try...catch clause, you will get an exception object. So you may use
Exception.StackTrace proeprty to get the failure call stack with the

In normal situation, it is convenient to use Environment.StackTrace
property to get the current call stack.


Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Community Support
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