Decided to watch the news for a change. Just learned that everyone over the pond is in some wicked winter weather! Is everyone doing ok? Around here, its a little cold - no hint of snow though.
In Houston the weather has been unusually cold this time. For the last 3-4 days night-time temperatures have been in low 20's F and due to being windy the real feel was like 13-17 F. Houston had ts first snowfall on December 4, 2009. Strange weather, eh?
Talking about Global Warming sometimes I don't know what to make of it, In some parts of the world it's the other way around too. Nonetheless the poles are in trouble for sure with all the ice melting away.
Global Warming is a Green party scaremongering load of hocus pocus.
Since records began of the world's weather there have constantly been extremes for no apparent reason.
It's called 'The Weather'.
All this before industrialisation, the motor vehicle and Kingsnorth Power Station (where I have worked in the past).
Mother Earth is a good deal stronger than we give her credit for and it will take more than us little carbon units marching about doing crap to destroy her.
Interesting article Quad.
In all these stories I`ve read on global warming/cooling no one,as far as I can remember has ever mentioned the workings of the sun.A great deal of the heat must come from the sun to warm up the oceans which in turn helps to warm the climate. I know the earth it self produces it`s own heat by volcanic action. But the sun must play a bigger role in all this.The sun for the last few years has had less sun spots than usual leading scientist to think that the sun is putting out less heat,if you can believe that.Could that be the reason for the cooling we might be seeing?
There's a place in Alaska called Glacier Bay into which twenty-odd glaciers flow. Mankind has kept records of these glaciers since the mid 1750s and guess what. They have been retreating ever since those records were first taken.
So, there has been melting of the glaciers for AT LEAST 250 years and maybe longer, but we'll never know the answer to that.
However, not all the glaciers are retreating. Two of them are actually advancing which only goes to show that glaciology is not fully understood by any means.
Anyhow, with most of the glaciers melting for a minimum of 250 years, how on earth can the melting be man-made? Maybe there is some warming (but even that is doubted by many scientists) but I feel that this is simply part of the Earth's never ending cycles.