You do not need the SUM function with a simple multiplication, presuming you
are totalling qty*price (B2*D2) for each line to make a final total at the
bottom, on each line type
Press enter and then return to the cell you just entered. In the bottom
right of the cell is a small square (the fill handle), drag that down as far
as your data goes and Excel will adjust the formulae
If you don't want a line total, but just a total for all the stock, go to
the bottom and type

(presumes 100 is the last line) and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. (If you do this
right Excel will wrap { } around the formula. This is known as an array
formula and Excel is effectively multiplying each line with it's
corresponding cell on the same line and then doing the sum
Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)