There seems to be some confusion as to whether you want instructions for a
Windows Form or a Web Form; bear in mind that the techniques available for
each are quite different. In both cases, several different techniques can
be used; it's really not possible to give complete instructions for this in
a newsgroup post.
However, I can think of a quick and easy way to have the .Net IDE generate
a sample of such a form for you:
1. Open a new .Net Windows Forms project in the language of your choice;
2. Right-click the project name in the Solution Explorer and click Add,
then "Add New Item...";
3. Select "Data Form Wizard" and give the form a new name if you wish and
click "Open";
4. Click Next past the first page of the Data Form Wizard;
5. Click on the option to create a new dataset; enter an appropriate name;
6. On the next tab, specify an existing connection or create a new one by
clicking "New Connection...";
7. If creating a new connection, you will see the data link dialog appear;
on the first tab, specify a database type, and then on the second tab
specify the necessary information to connect to it and click "OK";
8. Click "Next", and select a table from the list that you want to work
9. Click "Next" and select the columns from the table you want displayed on
your form and in your grid;
10. Click "Next", and select "Single record in individual controls" under
"how do you want to display... ?" and click Finish;
A form will be built for you that has all the code necessary to do exactly
what you're asking, with the text boxes. The last step is just to add a
grid. To do this, expand the form as necessary to accommodate the grid, and
place a datagrid from the toolbox on the form. Then, set its datasource
property to the datatable object to which the text boxes are bound (usually
in the format "objSomething.TableName").
To run the form, the project must be set to use the form as the startup
form; to do this, right-click the project, and click Properties. Set the
startup object dropdown to the new form name.
Run the project; when the form displays, click the Load button. This should
load the data from the database and they will be visible in the grid. You
can update the data in the textboxes, and move among the rows by clicking
the <<, <, >, >> buttons. Updates made to the data should appear in the
grid once the row has been moved off of.
Hope this at least gets you started; you can then examine the generated
code to see how it's done.
Steven Bras, MCSD
Microsoft Developer Support/Data Access Technologies
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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patch. Running the SCAN program from the Windows Update site will help to
insure you are current with all security patches, not just MS03-026.