This is an old Access 97 system so the menubars are all macros.
The menu bars might call macros, but that is simply a choice of design, not
the fact that menubars themselves are macros, or anything special to do with
Most of my menu bars call code in the forms (since, those forms started out
with a whole bunch of command buttons, and over time to reduce clutter, you
start moving command buttons to the menu bar, and have the menu bar then
call the code in the form (that way, both the menu bar, and some of the
reaming command buttons can share and call the same code).
I have no idea how to control the menu bar via macros, but in code you can
most certainly "disable" or even "hide" a menu bar.
Here is some actual code I used to turn off options in a menu bar:
if IsInGroup(CurrentUser,"SuperUser" then
CommandBars("menu bar").Controls("records").
Controls("refresh").Visible = True
end if
if IsInGroup(CurrentUser(),"InvoideDeleteGroup") = true then
Controls("DleeteInvoice").Visible = True
end if
Note that short cut menus are their own name also:
commandbars("your shortcut name").Contorls("contorlName").visiable = false
You can also replace "visible" with "enabled" to "gray" out the option
(really, your choice).
And, I did wrap some of the the above lines for ease of read....