How to...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jacek Jurkowski
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Jacek Jurkowski

Launch an exe from outside c# application?
Access methods of dll file created with c++?
Why FolderBrowserDialog stopped me to show folder tree?
d¿a mon,
Launch an exe from outside c# application?
mo¿e tak:

Access methods of dll file created with c++?
trzeba opakowaæ np.:

class jakastam
public static extern int MessageBoxW(
int h,
[marshal(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string m,
[marshal(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string c,
int type);
a potem ju¿ normalnie

Why FolderBrowserDialog stopped me to show folder tree?
a móg³by¶ sprecyzowaæ o co Ci chodzi ??


Przemek Sulikowski