How to zip an active workbook



Dear All

How to zip an excel97 activeworkbook? Went thro the MVP sites and copied
the code but does not work. Pls help.

get errors at the following places:

1. oApp.Namespace(FileNameZip).CopyHere FileNameXls
and in another code copied

2. ShellStr = PathWinZip & "Winzip32 -min -a" _
& " " & Chr(34) & FileNameZip & Chr(34) _
& " " & Chr(34) & FileNameXls & Chr(34) _
ShellAndWait ShellStr, vbHide 'Error at this place



I consider this as great honor to get ur response and really loads of
appreciation for same.

I went thro both ur postings. This is the ship's computer and I am not sure
if the winzip is a registered one or not. But only on my computer I didt
find the winzip.exe. I have winrar on my comp. I was planning to load the
winzip from radio room computer.

Would u mind telling me what this following lines do as I do not get any
help and it says keyword not found.

ShellStr = PathWinZip & "Winzip32 -min -a" _
& " " & Chr(34) & FileNameZip & Chr(34) _
& " " & Chr(34) & FileNameXls & Chr(34) _
ShellAndWait ShellStr, vbHide .

Once again thnks for the quick response.

with rgds/captgnvr

Ron de Bruin

I went thro both ur postings. This is the ship's computer and I am not sure
if the winzip is a registered one or not. But only on my computer I didt
find the winzip.exe. I have winrar on my comp. I was planning to load the
winzip from radio room computer.

Use the code from this page then and not from the WinZip pages

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