How to write Property Let for the single elements of an array

  • Thread starter Thread starter deltaquattro
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Hi all,

thanks to Bob's and other people's suggestions, I'm now able to assign
to all elements of an array property in a class module. But what if I
need to assign to a *single* element? It looks like I have to Redim it
each time...

' Class Module
Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Private pYValues() As Double

' not sure if this Class_Initialize Sub makes sense: IMO it would
' in other languages, but maybe in VBA is redundant
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ReDim pYValues(1) As Double
End Sub

Public Property Get YValues() As Double()
YValues = pYValues
End Property
Public Property Let YValues(Values() As Double)
pYValues = Values
End Property
Public Property Get YValue(Index As Long) As Double
YValues = pYValues(Index)
End Property
Public Property Let YValue(Index As Long, Value As Double)
' problem!!!
pYValues(Index) = Values
End Property

The problem is in Property Let YValue: if I add en element to the
array, I get a "subscript out of range" error. So I guess I should
write it like this:

Public Property Let YValue(Index As Long, Value As Double)
If UBound(pYValues) < Index Then Redim Preserve pYValues(Index)
pYValues(Index) = Values
End Property

but redimensioning the array each time I add a single element is
really slow! Maybe I should write a "Resize" method, something like:

Public Sub Resize(Nelements As Long)
Redim Preserve pYValues(Nelements)
End Sub

resize the array before adding each element, and then add. What do you
think? Any better ideas? Thanks in advance,

Best Regards

I haven't looked too hard at your code, but here is a thought.

When you initialise the class setup the array big, say 1000 elements. Use a
class variable to control the next index and just use this to allocate to
the next element. This way, the array will be 1,000 elements in size
internally to the class, but to any code using an instance of that class it
will look much smaller. When your internal index gets to 1000, bump it up
(Redim) by some order of magnitude. This way, you only redim once in a blue
Hi Bob,

so you're suggesting something like this? I omitted all the properties/
methods not directly related to the original question, so as to keep
the posted code shorter:

' Class Module
Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Private pYValues() As Double
Private ArraySize As Long

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ArraySize = 1000
ReDim pYValues(ArraySize) As Double
End Sub

Public Property Let YValue(Index As Long, Value As Double)
If Index > ArraySize Then
ArraySize = Index
ReDim pYValues(ArraySize)
End If
pYValues(Index) = Value
End Property

I'm a bit unsatisfied with the waste of memory: guess it can't be
helped, though. Thank you very much for your suggestion,

Best Regards

A bit more than that, you need to keep an index (a pseudo-upper bound for
the array) as well as the array size, an increment, and load it all

'------ Class Module
Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Private pYValues() As Double
Private ArrayIndex As Long
Private ArraySize As Long
Private ArrayInc As Long

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ArraySize = 10
ArrayInc = 5
ReDim pYValues(1 To ArraySize) As Double
End Sub

Public Property Get YValues() As Double()
YValues = pYValues
End Property
Public Property Let YValues(Values() As Double)
pYValues = Values
End Property
Public Property Get YValue(Index As Long) As Double
YValue = pYValues(Index)
End Property
Public Property Let YValue(Index As Long, Value As Double)
If Index > ArrayIndex Then

ArrayIndex = ArrayIndex + 1
If ArrayIndex > ArraySize Then

ArraySize = ArraySize + ArrayInc
ReDim Preserve pYValues(1 To ArraySize)
End If
End If
pYValues(Index) = Value
End Property

and use like so

Sub testclass()
Dim cls As Class1
Dim i As Long

Set cls = New Class1

For i = 1 To 12

cls.YValue(i) = i
Next i

For i = 1 To 12

Debug.Print cls.YValue(i)
Next i

cls.YValue(11) = 22

For i = 1 To 12

Debug.Print cls.YValue(i)
Next i
End Sub

Quite honestly, 1000 doubles in a modern machine is not going to affect
Hi Bob!

Thanks very much for your suggestion, brilliant as always. I
understand that my concern may be exaggerated for a modern PC, but in
my class I have also some matrices (2D arrays), and in that case maybe
the memory problem could be more relevant. Anyway, your code enables
me to handle both cases very easily: clearly, for matrices I have to
be sure that I Redim Preserve only the last dimension, but other than
that, the code is mainly the same and that's very useful for me.
Thanks again,

Best Regards
