How to write an average formula from VBA- SHOULD BE SIMPLE!



I am trying to do the following :

Dim myRange1 as range
Dim myRange2 as range
Dim myAverage as range

'set two ranges
set myRange1= range(b4)
set myRange2= range(e6)

'write into a cell an average formula
myAverage.formula = "=Average(myRange1:myRange2)"

Thats all!!
However the part (myRange1:myRange2) is incorrect - whats the correct
syntax to write this to the cell. Or if this cannot be done how do I
get from numbers to alpha-numeric cell representation e.g. Cell(1,1) to
Cell(A1) -whats the way of doing this is VBA

Thanks in advance guys

Bob Phillips

myAverage.formula = "=Average(" & myRange1.address & ":" & _
myRange2.address & ")"

Mike Fogleman

Bob's formula will average ALL cells between B4 & E6 as you indicated with
If you want just the Average of those 2 cells (myRange1, myRange2), then
myAverage.Formula = "=Average(" & myRange1 & "," & myRange2 & ")"

Mike F


Two ways:

Sub AverageThem1()

x =WorkSheetFunction.Average(Range("b4"), Range("e6"))
MsgBox x

End Sub

Or to write Average Formula to WorkSheet cell, say Range F2

Sub AverageThem2()


End Su

Dave Peterson

One more...

Dim myRange1 as range
Dim myRange2 as range
dim myRange3 as range
Dim myAverage as range

'set two ranges
with activesheet
set myRange1= .range("b4")
set myRange2= .range("e6")
set myrange3= .range(myrange1,myrange2)
set myAverage = .range("a1")
end with

'write into a cell an average formula
myAverage.formula = "=Average(" & myrange3.address(external:=true) & ")"

By using external:=true, you don't have to worry about if myrange3 is on a
different sheet than myaverage.

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