I'm just throwing some ideas off my head, so I don't know how much of help
this will be, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to make some suggestions...
1) First of all, I guess you want to write a C program on Windows OS
(judging from that you mentioned ActiveX). Assuming a proper driver for the
printer has been installed, why don't you simply treat this printer like any
other "generic" printers and make some printing API function calls? I am
not sure what it is exactly that you are trying to do with the printer and
your C program, but unless it's something really really extraordinary, I am
pretty sure a few API functions will be all that you would need for general
printing jobs, such as text printing and drawing lines and pictures.
2) If you have installed the driver files for the printer (instead of simply
using a driver that came with the OS), I guess there are some chances that
some extra files, like ActiveX controls and stuff, were also installed at
the time of the driver installation. I would browse through the list of
installed ActiveX controls and see if I can find some that I can use in my
program. It's been a long time that I did any programming with MS VC++,
that I forgot which button to click or menu and submenus to select to view
the installed ActiveX controls, but it shouldn't be that hard.
3) Some hardware vendors release their proprietary software development kits
(SDK) and make them available for general public, or at least the customers
who own their product. So, maybe you can try to contact Lexmark tech
support ask them. However, honestly I doubt why would any printer
manufacturers ever do this because as I said above the most of the printing
tasks can be done by simply calling a few generic printing API functions.
But then again, what do I know. There might be some good reasons for doing
so, like their printers had some features and functionalities that were not
common or only available with their products.
Hope this helped. Good luck.