Before you go on-line you can also go into Internet
Explorer/Tools/advanced and disable a lot of flashy stuff
and set some security. Also, set your security and privacy
settings to stop all the automatic downloading and
installation of third-party software.
"Crusty (-: Old B@stard

| Disconnect phone line or cable modem. Boot from the
Windows XP CD. When
| asked if you want to repair a previous installation, say
no! When given the
| opportunity to choose where you want to install to, choose
the same
| partition that the previous install is on. FORMAT the
partition (NTFS) when
| asked if you want to (or, delete and then create new
partition in same
| area - then format). Continue with the installation.
| After the O/S has been installed, install your firewall
(suggest ZoneAlarm).
| Then install your AntiVirus program. Reboot whenever
| When everything above has been installed, shut down.
Connect phone line or
| cable modem. Boot the system. The OS will, most likely,
| configure your DSL/Cable Modem connection. If you are
using dial up, you
| will have to manually configure same.
| Now, go on-line and update your AntiVirus - until there
are no more updates.
| Then get all the Windows Updates.
| Then, do as you will.
| | > HI, ever since I got high speed Internet my copm basicly
| > doesnt work any more, there is so much crap that auto
| > installed its driving me crazy; what I would like to do
| > is completely clear my hard drive and any additional
| > memory and start al over again with a fire wall and
| > virus program.
| >
| > What sould be the first steps I take in acomplishing