How to view Vista AppData folder in Windows Explorer?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike M
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Mike M

1. I noticed that not all my temporary files were being deleted when I used
TOOLS/INTERNET OPTIONS/Browsing History/Delete (all). Why is this so?

2. However, when I tried to find them, in a subfolder of AppData, I
couldn't find the AppData folder, even though I checked the box to show
hidden folders. Why is this so?

3. Also, why is Vista designed to frustrate us like this?
Mike said:
1. I noticed that not all my temporary files were being deleted when I used
TOOLS/INTERNET OPTIONS/Browsing History/Delete (all). Why is this so?

2. However, when I tried to find them, in a subfolder of AppData, I
couldn't find the AppData folder, even though I checked the box to show
hidden folders. Why is this so?

Simply configure Windows Explorer to display hidden files and folders.
In Windows Explorer, Tools > Folder Options > View > Advanced. Or, in
the Control Panel, Folder Options > View > Advanced.

3. Also, why is Vista designed to frustrate us like this?

It isn't. It was necessary to take exactly the same steps to view such
hidden systems files in both Win2K and WinXP (I don't recall if WinNT
was the same), although they didn't have that specific folder.


Bruce Chambers

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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot
App Data is a hidden folder. Go to Tool Options in an Explorer, and under
the Advanced tab, select the option to view hidden files. It is located
under the C:\Users folder. Good luck

Vista is not designed to frustrate you or anyone else. It is simply a
matter, that you have not yet learned how to use it properly. You, or
anyone else, is not born knowing how to fly an airplane. You have to learn
it. Simply because you know how to use Win98, or XP, does not mean you know
how to use Vista, or Ubuntu or Mac OSX or any of a dozen other operating
systems, none of which are designed to frustrate you or anyone else.

Good luck.
As I said in my #2 question, I DID check the box to "show hidden folders",
but Win-Ex still doesn't display the AppData folder.
This appears to be a Vista problem, and not due to my lack of knowledge of

Also, no one has answered question #1.

Thanks for your help.
Mike M said:
1. I noticed that not all my temporary files were being deleted when I
TOOLS/INTERNET OPTIONS/Browsing History/Delete (all). Why is this so?

It's the way IE works. It doesn't clear the current day from the history. I
don't know why this is. If you want to clear everything you'll need a third
party program to do this.
2. However, when I tried to find them, in a subfolder of AppData, I
couldn't find the AppData folder, even though I checked the box to show
hidden folders. Why is this so?

After you enable "Show hidden files and folders" and disable "Hide protected
operating system files" exit Windows Explorer then restart it. You should be
able to see AppData now.
3. Also, why is Vista designed to frustrate us like this?

It's designed to be more secure. More security almost always means doing
things differently and more inconvenience to the user. This applies to
everything in life not just software. Increase the security for your house
and it takes more steps to get into your house. Increase the security at
airports and it's more inconvenient to board an airplane. Increase the
security of an operating system and it will be harder to do some things.
Security is a tradeoff between stopping something unwanted from happening
and allowing a legitimate user to do the same thing. You have to put up
roadblocks that only a legitimate user can get past. Better security equals
more and/or harder roadblocks to get past.
The "folders" with an arrow on them are not folders at all, they are
junction points. They exist only for application compatibility and cannot
be opened or read. You need to open the actual location (for example,
AppData instead of Application Data) to see the files that you wish to see.

johnmuoio said:
I have pasted your response below. However this doesn't work.
Microsoft has changed the way these folders behave and as an
Administrator, with hidden files revealed and known file extensions
shown, and "hide protected operating system files" unchecked, we still
don't get access to appdata or Local Settings. What do we have to do?
I'd like to check on my kids' browsing and see the cookies in the
appropriate folders, but without access to these folders, I'm stuck. I
see the folders but get an "Access is Denied" error when I try to
explore it.

What gives here? I am in c:\Users\[username] trying to access the
Local Settings and AppData folders, which have an arrow icon on the
bottom left corner. Rightclick, properties gives no useful information
other than Everyone is denied access to this folder.

So, what am I not getting here? I want to see cookies and history. Am
I looking in the wrong place?
Bruce said:
Simply configure Windows Explorer to display hidden files and folders.
In Windows Explorer, Tools > Folder Options > View > Advanced. Or, in
the Control Panel, Folder Options > View > Advanced.

It isn't. It was necessary to take exactly the same steps to view
hidden systems files in both Win2K and WinXP (I don't recall if WinNT
was the same), although they didn't have that specific folder.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot

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