How to view messages from DEBUGP ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Skybuck Flying
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Skybuck Flying


Driver source code is filled with lines like:

DEBUGP(MP_TRACE, ("<-- NICCopyPacket\n"));

I want to "debug the driver" and see these messages... and add some of my

How can I see these messages ?

I am guessing the operating system would need to be put into "debug" mode.

And connect with WinDbg ?

Is it possible to use VMWare to debug one on machine.

For example:

1. I debug from/on Windows XP x64 Pro

2. To Windows XP x86 in a virtual machine ?!?

Windows XP x86 would be put in debug mode.

Windows XP x64 would remain normal operation.

Last question:

Can I use netvmini.sys on Windows 7 ?

If not I will have to install windows xp 32 in a vm ;)

I also have a lan machine available with winxp 32... that might be
fastest... but using two computers kinda sux... so...

DEBUGP is not explained anywhere.

So I had to dive into the source code to figure out what it was.

It appears to be a macro which I absolutely ****ing hate... but that's
beside the point.

The motherfucking macro does:

#if DBG
#define DEBUGP(Level, Fmt) \
{ \
if (Level <= MPDebugLevel) \
{ \
DbgPrint("NetVMini.SYS:"); \
DbgPrint Fmt; \
} \
#define DEBUGP(Level, Fmt)

So now the question is how to view what DbgPrint prints ? ;)

Skybuck =D
Skybuck Flying said:
I am guessing the operating system would need to be put into "debug" mode.

And connect with WinDbg ?

Yes, exacty.
Is it possible to use VMWare to debug one on machine.

For example:

1. I debug from/on Windows XP x64 Pro

2. To Windows XP x86 in a virtual machine ?!?

Windows XP x86 would be put in debug mode.

Windows XP x64 would remain normal operation.

Yes. See the windbg help file for instructions.
Last question:

Can I use netvmini.sys on Windows 7 ?

If not I will have to install windows xp 32 in a vm ;)

The good Microsoft provides us a ready WinXP VM:

No, having two machines doesn't sux. Debugging on your development machine

Good luck.

I am not gonna use my LAN machine... it's my backup computer... I don't
wanna mess with it.

So for now that leaves a leaked version of Windows 7 ;) :) in VMware.

Will be interesting to see if this netvmini install in W7 ;)

So gonna try that first otherwise I will have to install XP32 in vmware.

^ Boring and also costs more diskspace but ok.

I could maybe even install both: xp32 and xp64 ;)

Or maybe I just go with xp64 :) LOL.

Don't know yet.

xp64 will probably be much faster to install <- less service packs and bug
fixes ?! ;)

fastest... but using two computers kinda sux... so...

Virtual machines rulez

Oh lucky me... I already installed a Windows 7 RTM in VMware lol.

Now I could even test the chkdsk bug but not gonna do that yet :) LOL.

Don't wanna screw/crash it already ! ;)

So gonna try netvmini in windows 7 rtm ;)


Now I have a little problem...

I deleted the latest and greats window driver development kit because I
thought it was piece of shit.

It didn't install on Windows X64 Pro.

It only installs on Windows x86 ? and such.

So first I am going to re-download it.

To make sure that I have the latest netvmini driver... I wonder if it
contains any changes.

Probably not so I might be wasting my time again.

That's why I will never buy any microsoft products because they wasted so
much of my time ! ;)

Yes lame but it's true HAHA.

I am talking about WDK 7.

It has a nice ring to it except:

"Windows XP x64 is not a supported installation platform for the WDK."

:P**************************** PPPP :( ;)

Also I just updated to IE8.

There FTM (file transfer manager doesn't seem to work in IE8 ?;))

Fortunately the ISO is < 1 GB so I can simply download via TCP ;) :)

25 minutes remaining not to bad.

Seems like an excellent tutorial for debugging windows via vmware:

My latest vm workstation has a little bit different menu's.

I just need to do: "add hardware" to virtual machine and the rest is more or
less the same.

So far so good... so I am gonna try this out with Windows 7 RTM x64 ! HA
It's brand new ! HAHAHA.

Just downloaded latest WinDBG as well...

And latest WDK 7 in the pipeline too ;) :)

Me gonna have some fun with this ! =D

Skybuck =D
There FTM (file transfer manager doesn't seem to work in IE8 ?;))

Works fine for me, just say Yes to all ActiveX warnings.
I wonder if WDK 7 would install on Windows 7 x64 ?

I also have Windows 7 x86 on vmware... maybe I could install WDK there...
but then there wouldn't be much space left... it probably has not much space
to start with so that probably not gonna work... having a build environment
inside a virtual machine ? hmm never tried that...

Could be nice... keeps my system clean.. but then again... hmm I don't
know... can't have it on my x64 probably.. that's for sure...

Might have to install it on the backup computer... that's acceptable... but
then for now I would have to work with two computers and transfer files back
and forth to get the latest source code for the netvmini.

It will be interesting to see if the latest source builds on x64 as well...
I am also gonna do a compare to see if anything changed.

I think I did... the ftm didn't start... well whatever I have it now and
it's almost done installing on XP 32 ;)

Skybuck =D

Maxim S. Shatskih said:
There FTM (file transfer manager doesn't seem to work in IE8 ?;))

Works fine for me, just say Yes to all ActiveX warnings.

There seem to be some differences in the source files.

Here and there some loops added... mostly weird "do while false" loops.


< }while(bFalse);

Here the boolean was changed from "false constant" to "false variable".

I am not exactly sure why... it might have to do with "compiler
optimizations" taking out the while loop.

Maybe the while loop is needed for some reason...

Here and there there seem to be some more important loops added... actually
one or so ?

Ok now I go try and build it in "checked mode" on the xp 32 computer then
move it to my xp 64 computer...

then install it on windows 7 x64... test it... try to interface with it with
my programs...

If still no luck then I can go and debug it and modify it and examine it etc

My expectation is that it will behave the same and still not work.

The example still passes nil parameters which is kinda dumb... because this
doesn't actually test any "data transfer".
