I'm doing an app for church. our food bank can only serve people from
specific zip codes. I have that part working fine. But there's one zip
code that lies in the borderline of our service area. The zip code is
cut in half by a main avenue. Anyone to the west of te avenue
qualifies for assistance. Everyone to the east doesn't. I know it's
kinda harsh to not serve people because they live across a road. But
that's another issue. In the meantime, how do I check that the
address enterd is to the east or west of the avenue? Do I have to
make a table of posisitve and negative street names? If so, how can I
obtain such a list?
Thanks, for your help.
specific zip codes. I have that part working fine. But there's one zip
code that lies in the borderline of our service area. The zip code is
cut in half by a main avenue. Anyone to the west of te avenue
qualifies for assistance. Everyone to the east doesn't. I know it's
kinda harsh to not serve people because they live across a road. But
that's another issue. In the meantime, how do I check that the
address enterd is to the east or west of the avenue? Do I have to
make a table of posisitve and negative street names? If so, how can I
obtain such a list?
Thanks, for your help.