How to validate WIN XP Home CD key again



Last time when I was at the Genuine Windows Download site, I entered the
wrong CD key (mix up of a B with 8) and was prompted to validate using the
Manufacturer name, where the machine is brought etc. I did that and got a
download ID (??) back which apparently is loaded in my system. Now I got the
correct CD key from the sticker at the back of the machine and would like to
try to validate again using the Key this time. However, when I am at the
Genuine Windows Download site, it automaticly passed the test (believe is
because I already have the download key installed).. Is there any way I can
validate the CD key again ?? My WIN XP SP1 home edition is pre-installed and
since then I updated it to SP2. I just want to make sure the CD key on the
sticker will work should I need to use it as I donot have the WIN XP CD (only
have the restore disk). Any suggestion here ?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Use of the product key for reinstallation and activation is totally
independent of the validation routine. Should it ever happen, there should
not be any problems.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -



Rick "Nutcase" Rogers said:

Use of the product key for reinstallation and activation is totally
independent of the validation routine. Should it ever happen, there should
not be any problems.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


Rick said:

Use of the product key for reinstallation and activation is totally
independent of the validation routine. Should it ever happen, there
should not be any problems.

Already is, for whoever has the PK the OP used, and MS ever goes through
with valitdation being mandatory.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi kurttrail,

With the algorithisms used, I doubt that a single character change will be
an issue. Not a fan of the validation or activation schemes either (as you
well know), but I can't see any complications to this one.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


Rick said:
Hi kurttrail,

With the algorithisms used, I doubt that a single character change
will be an issue. Not a fan of the validation or activation schemes
either (as you well know), but I can't see any complications to this

So what that means is that MS validated a PK that is NOT a legimate one.
LOL! Validation is just a total waste of time, and I suspect that if
WGA is validated invalid PKs, that it has also refused to validate
legitimate ones.

I wonder if MS is still planning to make WGA mandatory sometime this
year as was reported earlier this year in the computer press?

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Kurt,

No idea if they are still planning that, there was quite a bit of backlash,
so who knows?

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


I have a similar problem but i dont know how to start a thread on here I had
a valid copy of windows xp on my laptop but my laptop got stolen so i still
have the disk and i should still beable to use that valid copy of windows xp
on my home pc but i cant use that code to validate because it was already
used on my stolen laptop. is there anyway i can cancle it from my laptop and
use it on my home pc?


I have a similar problem but i dont know how to start a thread on here I had
a valid copy of windows xp on my laptop but my laptop got stolen so i still
have the disk and i should still beable to use that valid copy of windows xp
on my home pc but i cant use that code to validate because it was already
used on my stolen laptop. is there anyway i can cancle it from my laptop and
use it on my home pc?


asdfda said:
I have a similar problem but i dont know how to start a thread on here I
a valid copy of windows xp on my laptop but my laptop got stolen so i
have the disk and i should still beable to use that valid copy of windows
on my home pc but i cant use that code to validate because it was already
used on my stolen laptop. is there anyway i can cancle it from my laptop
use it on my home pc?

Since it was preinstalled it's an OEM copy of XP, and unfortunately it's
gone with the computer. OEM copies of XP are tied to the computer on which
it's installed and can't be installed on a different system. Include the
cost of a replacement OS in the insurance claim.

As to your inability to create a new post, I recommend you not use the awful
web interface. Use a newsreader to access what are actually Usenet
newsgroups. XP comes with outlook express which can be setup for newsgroup
access. Here is a link with info how.


I have a similar problem but i dont know how to start a thread on here I had
a valid copy of windows xp on my laptop but my laptop got stolen so i still
have the disk and i should still beable to use that valid copy of windows xp
on my home pc but i cant use that code to validate because it was already
used on my stolen laptop. is there anyway i can cancle it from my laptop and
use it on my home pc?

- Show quoted text -

If the WinXP on your laptop was OEM, then your license has been stolen
along with your laptop.
If you had a full retail WinXP, load it on your new machine, and
activate by phone.

Good luck.

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