How to use WMI to connect Remote PC when its Windows Firewall is trun on?

Jun 19, 2008
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Sorry, I'm a Chinese, my english is not good, I'm so sorry.

today i did a testing,

I connect my Virtual PC used WMI,

my Virtual PC is Windows XP(SP2),Windows Firewall is turn on, and Administrator's password is empty,

and it return an error : access denied.

when the Windows FireWall is turn off, and Administrator's password is empty,

and it return an error : RPC server unavailable.

but when the Windows FireWall is turn off, and Administrator's password is not empty,

it connect Virtual PC successful.

Now I have a question,

How to use WMI to connect Remote PC when its Windows Firewall is turn on and password is empty?

If so, please give C # code, thanks very much.
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