Gerald -
If you just have one set of values, Y vs. X, you cannot get secondary axes. But I'm
not sure what your question is.
To plot A2:A11 as X and B2:B11 as Y, select the range, start the chart wizard, and
make your chart. If you select an XY Scatter type chart, Excel will automatically
use A for X and B for Y. Same if the values in A are text and you choose another
chart type.
To guarantee that Excel uses A for X and B for Y regardless of chart type, put a
label in cell B1, and delete the contents of A1, then select the range including A1
and B1 prior to starting the chart wizard. The blank cell tells Excel something's
different between the two columns.
To get a secondary axis, you need a second series. The series can be added several
ways, probably most understandably and predictably by clicking Source Data from the
Chart menu. Click on the Series tab, then click Add, and select the ranges for X and
Y of this new series. Excel plots the series on the existing axes.
Double click the series, click on the Axis tab, check Secondary. This gives you the
secondary Y axis. Now choose Chart options from the Chart menu, and click on the
Axes tab for a full set of options regarding the chart axes.
- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
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