Dave Baker
When all else fails to remove a suspect file which has installed itself so
it can't be deleted in either normal or safe mode or with the usual tools
like MBAM and Unlocker you need to fire up the Recovery Console and "Dig it
out with DOS".
I guess it also helps if you're old enough to know DOS commands but even if
you do the Recovery Console has been thoroughly castrated in its abilities
by Microshaft so us po' dumb users cain't trash us own systums bah accahdent
y'all. The fact that they hid the existence of the Recovery Console so well
that only advanced users would know about it anyway didn't appear to enter
into the equation.
Anyhoo, as installed the RC won't allow you access to directories outside of
the main Windose ones so if your nasty file lurks in Documents and Settings
for example you'll be told to **** off when you try to get in there to
delete it. Thanks Microshaft - NOT.
Have a look here for a clear and concise guide on how to configure and use
the RC to its full capabilities.
I suggest it's a good idea to install the RC as a boot up option while your
PC is still working ok and not leave it until after it's been corrupted by
malware which may prevent you getting online or using Google to even find
out how to install and use it when you actually need it!
Happy malware killing.
it can't be deleted in either normal or safe mode or with the usual tools
like MBAM and Unlocker you need to fire up the Recovery Console and "Dig it
out with DOS".
I guess it also helps if you're old enough to know DOS commands but even if
you do the Recovery Console has been thoroughly castrated in its abilities
by Microshaft so us po' dumb users cain't trash us own systums bah accahdent
y'all. The fact that they hid the existence of the Recovery Console so well
that only advanced users would know about it anyway didn't appear to enter
into the equation.
Anyhoo, as installed the RC won't allow you access to directories outside of
the main Windose ones so if your nasty file lurks in Documents and Settings
for example you'll be told to **** off when you try to get in there to
delete it. Thanks Microshaft - NOT.
Have a look here for a clear and concise guide on how to configure and use
the RC to its full capabilities.
I suggest it's a good idea to install the RC as a boot up option while your
PC is still working ok and not leave it until after it's been corrupted by
malware which may prevent you getting online or using Google to even find
out how to install and use it when you actually need it!
Happy malware killing.