How to use SD flash card as ram

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tony
  • Start date Start date
Same internally, but there are distinctions between devices.
SD Compact Flash is a direct access type of media, which
doesn't communicate via a USB channel/port. From what I
understand about ReadyBoost it works for both USB and
direct connect Flash devices (SD, Compact Flash. Memory
can you use a hp usb digital drive with a sd memery card inside of it to
boost system persormence?
According to "...Matt Ayers, who is the Program Manager in the Microsoft
Windows Client Performance group and basically owns the ReadyBoost
Q: Why don't you support SD on my USB2.0 external card reader?
A: We unfortunately don't support external card readers - there were some
technical hurdles that we didn't have time to address. In general, if a card
reader shows a drive without media in it (like a floppy drive or CD ROM
does), we can't use it for ReadyBoost.

SO theoretically you cant use card readers for CF or SD cards...but some
people here have gotten it to work. Probably how "hot swappable" the driver
is for the reader. I have an SD card "carrier" that shows up to ReadyBoost,
but my CF card reader does not...

This info is from Tom Archers Blog where he interviews