How To Use PowerPoint Manage Recruit Employees?

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Use Visio and PowerPoint
Create sheets and presentation files
Visio to create and share structure presentation.
For example, department manager and employee relation
PowerPoint can create Procedures, HR contact list.
How to do it?

How To Use Excel Manage Recruit Employees?

Use template track and compare vacancy candidates data
Simply evaluation, "Job Candidates Data and Compare Sheet" template:
1 "candidates data", input basic data, name, address, phone, apply position
2 "candidates compare data", input detail information relate to work "job
now working", and compare with many candidates.
Download templates
Microsoft Office Online/template/staff recruit
How to do it?

Track and report HR data
Resumes received
Candidates sources
Interviewed candidates quantity
Interviewed - employment ratio
Reject reasons

Evaluate, analysis and report:
1 Employee statistic
2 Employee relation
3 Staff management ratio

How to do this?

How Can I User Word Manage Recruit Employees?

Word Template
Job Application Form
Candidates track
Candidates Evaluation
Work Experience Evidence Form
Employment Confirm Letter
Employment Rejection Letter

How Can I User Outlook Manage Recruit?

Search Outlook
Search Folder

If company have a new Manager Asistant position, I should see all email
apply this prosition, how to create a "search folder" to search email that
apply for this position in Outlook folder?

Outlook provide a library with 13 "search folders"
I can "create user define search folder"

Outlook File/New/search folder
In "search folder", roll down to "user define", click "create user define
search file folder"
Input name of the "search folder", because the position title is "Manager
Asistant", so input "Manager Asistant" in this textbox.

Click "conditions"

In "search folder", click "mail" option, input "Job Req.56" in "search text"

So, the position advertisement require candidates must input "Job Req. 56"
in any emails about this position.

In "location" drop down list, choose "only subject words".

Click "Enter" several times.

I am doing well?

Every position can create a "search folder"

Can I also search subject line and content of email, about the
advertisement, I put some keywords in advertisements, so when then apply and
include the advertisement, the "search box " can sort these emails. And also
search for skills, education background or skill ability related key words.

How to do that?

Use outlook organize meeting, interview and email:
1 Calendar can use for interview
2 Employment officers can use email send resume and share interview response.
3 Use email quick response to employee questions and communicate with
4 Color "calendar" can highlight important items.
5 Mark emails need operate and more continue works.

How can I use Access track employment positions and candidates information?

1 Identify Users

2 Identify User Requirement
Employ Manager: candidate work experience and education background, specific
position candidates compare report.

Manager Asistant: candidate work experience and education background,
specific position candidates compare report.

Candidate: Positions details, search the jobs meet requirements and skills.

Recruit officers: list new positions, detail resumes, search candidates meet
specific positions essential requirements.

3 Identify data that need save and search: data in resume before processing;
seperate repeat group and add key; resume data, exclude items and add outside
key; multi link relations.

4 Identify useful data.

5 Identify relations between sheets, for report, query and others.

6 Complete window, report and query design

File/Outside Data/Import
File Type: Outlook.
Outlook Contact
Do you think you could explain (in whole sentences) exactly what you're
looking to do? Your question is a bit too cryptic to understand.
Glenna Shaw
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP Team