How to use kerbros in a webpart(Asp.Net Custom Control)

  • Thread starter Thread starter ALI-R
  • Start date Start date


I'm writing a webpart which is supposed to connect to a Webserice in our
interanet.I am using "RSService.Credentials =
System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;"to Authenticate to the
webservice.but it dosn't work.why?

I think SharePoint which hosts my webpart authenticate the user requesting
my webpart and because credential lasts only for one connection ,when web
part wants to call webservice there is no credenatial anymore and I get 401
(Unauthorized) Error.I was told to use Kerberos because it flows the user
identity,but I don't know how to use it in this scenario.

Is there somebody who can give me some hints?

Make sure you have:
1. The machine running SharePoint is set "trusted for delegation" in the AD.
2. Your clients are IE 5.5 or higher with "Integrated Windows
Authentication" enabled.
3. The account(s) must not have the "delegation disabled" policy enabled.
