How to use DataContext.Translate with multiple result sets?

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Potter
  • Start date Start date

David Potter

I have a stored proc that returns multiple results sets and I'm attempting to
use the DataContext Translate method. The first translate works but when I
can't move on to the next resultset as the datacontext has closed the
connection. How do I get around that?

I'm using the following code:

Dim myUserList As New List(Of Stc.BR.WcfContract.UserInformation.UserRow)
Dim myUserPermission As New List(Of UserInfo.UserPermissionRow)

' ... Other Code.

Using myRead As SqlDataReader =
myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection), _
myContext As New DataContext(myConnect)

' Read User Table

' Move to next table
myRead.NextResult() ' This fails because the connnection
is closed
End Using
Hi David,

Welcome to Microsoft Newsgroup Support service. My name is Lingzhi Sun
[MSFT]. It's my pleasure to work with you on this case.

The reason for the problem is that once DataContext.Translate method
finishes its work, it closes the corresponding DataReader object. So when
we are calling DataReader.NextResult method, the exception throws. To
retrieve multiple result sets of a stored procedure, we can select another
DataContext.Translate method
( which returns an
IMultipleResults object
spx). For detail, you can refer to the following code snippet:

Dim multiSets = myContext.Translate(myRead)
myUserList.AddRange(multiSets.GetResult(Of UserInfo.UserRow)())

If you have any other questions, please be free to let me know.

Have a nice day!

Lingzhi Sun ([email protected], remove 'online.')
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