Hi all,
I have a problem about TSClient for Window98.
I'm use client on window98 and connect to Terminal Server
by Web page of TSWEB. It' very slow for load bitmap every
time. I think becasue bitmapcache cannot use.
I'm try use client on Window XP connect to same
terminal server. It's ok. I' found file for bitmapcache
(*.bmc). Can someone help me for solve this problem.
Thank you.
I have a problem about TSClient for Window98.
I'm use client on window98 and connect to Terminal Server
by Web page of TSWEB. It' very slow for load bitmap every
time. I think becasue bitmapcache cannot use.
I'm try use client on Window XP connect to same
terminal server. It's ok. I' found file for bitmapcache
(*.bmc). Can someone help me for solve this problem.
Thank you.