How to use AllocateNamedDataSlot method



AllocateNamedDataSlot defined as:
Threads use a local store memory mechanism to store thread-specific data.
The common language runtime allocates a multi-slot data store array to each
process when it is created. The thread can allocate a data slot in the data
store, store and retrieve a data value in the slot, and free the slot for
reuse after the thread expires. Data slots are unique per thread. No other
thread (not even a child thread) can get that data.

I am confused, is a data slot created once for all threads, or for each

I want to create many threads with the code below.

The goal is to create threads, each new thread being able to read the value

myValue=Thread.GetNamedDataSlot("HID"); // the value of HID will be
different for each thread



in AllJobs.ThisJob

++ Code to create a thread ++

Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(AllJobs.ThisJob));
t.Name = "H" + yHeaderID + "D" + yDetailID;
t.IsBackground = true;

//the next line breaks
//the previous line breaks

LocalDataStoreSlot ldssUID;

//the next line doesn't make any sense
Thread.SetData(ldssUID, yUID);
//the previous line doesn't make any sense


++ End of code to create a thread ++

Thank you

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


There really is no reason to use this in .NET. Rather, you should
create a static field in your class and adorn it with the ThreadStatic
attribute. It will make sure that each thread has a different value.

You should then wrap that field in a property which will check the
value, making sure it is initialized properly before you access it.

Hope this helps.

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